Sunday, April 11, 2010

You have been nerded!

I created this, my secondary blog, simply for laughs!

My older brother and I share a very nerdy sense of humor, so I created a place to let you in on it as it happens :)
It will also serve as a place for my dad's never-ending puns. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Now in regards to the name...
I firmly believe that everyone is a nerd about what they love.
One day I was sitting with some friends at University when they explained that they had created a new word:

nerded: (nurd-ed) verb,
when one provokes you to exposing your inner nerd

Basically, it's when your love and enthusiasm for your area of expertise becomes evident to your friends/family. I think this is a good thing, and often fun to reward. Hence the name :)

I hope you have a fantastic day and may you be nerded!

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