Saturday, April 24, 2010

So... the other day I was telling my older brother about what I was learning in my super-nerdy and super-fun class: Greek and Roman Public and Private Life. We were learning about their calendar, which was a "lunisolar calendar," ie one that was based on both the sun and the moon (fyi - we have a solar calendar, based on the Roman's version, while the Hebrews had a lunar calendar). I explained that it was a somewhat faulty calendar, so they had to add a month to the calendar every couple of years. (This is called "intercalating," and it became my new word for the day :)
His response was, that does sound like a looney solar calendar. HAHAHAHAHA! He makes me laugh so hard at my nerdiness! :)
This story is a bit older:

One of my very favorite books by Jane Austen is Northanger Abbey, named after one of the houses in the book. The first time I read it, my little brother protested that this was not a good Jane Austen title. If her other books were alliterations such as Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility, this book should be an alliteration too. And so he decided, without ever reading it, that the book should not be entitled Northanger Abbey, but Anger and Abstinence.
Haha... and so, in our house, the name stuck and that is still what it is referred to as.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today I commented on my brother's hair. It was particularly curly today. That was my compliment, to which I added, "It looks especially Roman today."

Profuse were his thanks, for above all things, he desires to be Roman (or De Tocqueville hehe:). He began to relate a story about receiving this "Roman" hair compliment once before...

We both worked at Officemax with an endearing, older man who happened to be Jewish. One day when Josiah's hair was particularly curly, our Jewish friend made a note of it and added that his hair "always looked Roman." After relating the story, Josiah said, "A Jew would notice that!"


For any reader passing by who does not understand this, let me explain. My brother was referring to the Roman occupation of Israel which lasted for several hundred years, climaxing in 70 A.D. when they destroyed the Temple and most of Jerusalem and thoroughly scattered the Jewish people. Israel was not recognized as a sovereign entity again until 1948. So a Jewish person would have the historical justification to not only single out a Roman but also to distrust him.
Yes! This is the kind of stuff Josiah and I laugh about!
Yes! This is why I started this blog! haha

PS - This is in NO way meant to degrade people of Jewish Ethnicities!!! Mazel tov to all my Jewish faves: Ben and Shaina Rosett, Stan Mednick, Danielle Magnusson, and Josiah James! I <3>

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How do you split the Roman Empire?

...With a pair of Caesars


Sunday, April 11, 2010

So, one of our long time family jokes comes from the first time my dad brought my mom over to meet his family. One of his brothers asked for someone to pass the rolls and another brother picked up a roll and chucked it at him from across the table. My mother, being the prim and proper little baptist girl that she was was absolutely horrified! But fortunately for us, she stayed around despite the Surface manners.

Well, at Easter dinner this year, Sarah asked Josiah to pass her the rolls. Josiah acted as if he was going to chuck a roll at her before passing her the whole plate. After a shared family chuckle, I responded, "Because we're Surfaces and that's how we roll..."

Laughs! haha

You have been nerded!

I created this, my secondary blog, simply for laughs!

My older brother and I share a very nerdy sense of humor, so I created a place to let you in on it as it happens :)
It will also serve as a place for my dad's never-ending puns. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Now in regards to the name...
I firmly believe that everyone is a nerd about what they love.
One day I was sitting with some friends at University when they explained that they had created a new word:

nerded: (nurd-ed) verb,
when one provokes you to exposing your inner nerd

Basically, it's when your love and enthusiasm for your area of expertise becomes evident to your friends/family. I think this is a good thing, and often fun to reward. Hence the name :)

I hope you have a fantastic day and may you be nerded!